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    Najstariji podatak koji govori o postojanju Mostara jeste iz 1468./69., kada je evidentirano postojanje trga i nahije pod imenom Köprü Hisar (Most pored tvrđave). Osmanska vlast, koja je u postojećim tvrđavama na ovim prostorima vidjela vojno-strateški značaj, dala je sredstva za njihovu popravku te izgradnju mosta koji će spajati dvije obale Neretve. Jahja Muhasilović, Stav, decembar 2016 Mostar i Stari most često su prva asocijacija na Bosnu i Hercegovinu ljudima izvana. Rijetki su primjeri da je neki most u tolikoj mjeri odredio razvitak i sudbinu grada. Iako su manje naseobine na mjestu današnjeg Mostara postojale i prije, nastanak mosta i razvoj grada preklapaju se sa zlatnim periodom osmanske vladavine. Knjiga  Nastanak Mostara , preminule autorice Hatidže Čar-Drnda, daje nesvakidašnji prikaz Mostara od njegovog nastanka do 16. stoljeća kroz osvrt na izvore prikupljene u brojnim arhivima. Izvori su knjige raznorodni: Osmanski državni arhiv (Başbakanlık Osma...

BOOK REVIEW: Dimitar Bechev, Rival Power: Russia’s Influence in Southeast Europe

     For centuries Balkans is playing an important role in Russia’s foreign policy. During the Czarist Russia, the region served as one of the main polygons on the Empire’s way to access the warm seas of the Mediterranean, thus ending its historical deficiency of lacking navigable waters during the winter months. With the establishment of the Soviet Union, Russia was present in the region through the ideological camp formed together with the socialist regimes in the Balkans. Later on, two unusual Socialist regimes of Albania and Yugoslavia severed their ways with the Kremlin. But, despite all Soviet influence in the region would remain pretty strong throughout the Cold War. Moscow’s influence will start diminishing with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. For a decade to come, through the 1990s, Russia will struggle to keep its status as a relevant power in the Balkans. With the wars in Former Yugoslavia the region entered a period of “Pax Americana” where Washington the...