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Showing posts from 2017

Bosanska debata o turskom jeziku

Prije nekoliko dana Vijeće roditelja Kantona Sarajevo žalilo se kantonalnom ministru obrazovanja da je u pojedinim školama održana prezentacija turskog jezika kao izbornog predmeta, bez prethodnog konsultovanja roditelja. Roditelji tvrde da su oni ti koji trebaju odlučiti koji će jezik njihova djeca izabrati. Prvi utisak je da je žalba poštena. Utisak je da su to brižni roditelji koji brinu o budućnosti svoje djece, što sigurno i jesu; ali ono što je zapanjujuće jeste činjenica da su roditelji pretvoreni u "lobističku mašinu" koja navodnu "lobističku kampanju nastavnika turskog jezika" vidi kao "civilizacijsku prijetnju" po svoju djecu. Otkad je roditelj čije dijete pohađa, naprimjer, časove njemačkog ili nekog drugog jezika, kao izbornog predmeta, počeo brinuti zbog toga što neki roditelji i njihova djeca preferiraju turski jezik? Očigledno je od samog početka da ovaj slučaj sadrži političku dimenziju. - Nepoštena kampanja - Prije svega, važno...

Bosnia's Turkish Debate

Just a few days ago the Association of Parents in the Canton of Sarajevo complained to the canton’s  education minister that the promotion of the Turkish language as an elective class had been taking place without prior consultation with parents. Parents say they should be the ones to decide what class schoolchildren will select. The first impression is that the complaint is fair and square. The impression is one of caring parents minding the future of their children, and certainly they are; but what is striking is the fact that parents have been turned into a ‘lobbying machine’ that sees a “civilizational threat” to their children, as they are complaining about allegedly a “lobbying campaign of Turkish language teachers”. Since when has a parent whose child is taking, for instance, a German language course or any other as an elective class begun to worry that some parents and their children prefer the Turkish language? It has been obvious since the beginning that this cas...

Why Balkans matter for Turkey?

In the last few years we are witnessing a shift in Turkey’s foreign policy, moving from once being a bastion of Western civilization to a more undefined Eurasian understanding. Turkey’s leadership started flirting more actively with Moscow with ties getting normalized, after the apology for downing of a Russian airplane over Syria. Vladimir Putin was faster than Western politicians in condemning the failed coup. Some even say Putin himself warned Turkey’s president that coup is under its way. Disappointed with Western’s attitude, Ankara started more openly speaking of getting even closer with Kremlin. President of Turkey and political establishment in Ankara are sending threatening messages to Western leaders regarding the Turkey’s NATO membership and recently went even as far to announce a possible referendum on abandoning EU accession process. Besides the threatening rhetoric definitely there were some moves in recent months confirming this stance of Ankara. Turkey’s political elit...

Macedonia in grip of new crisis

On Thursday Macedonia faced yet another serious crisis. A group of angry protesters stormed the Parliament building, injuring almost 100 people inside, most of them members of opposition parties. How did this crisis unfold?  The reasons for political deadlock in Macedonia For almost two months the Macedonian political elite has been unable to form a government. The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity (VMRO-DPMNE), the nationalist party of ethnic Macedonians, won a majority of votes in the last elections. The Socialist Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) came second. But neither party had enough votes to form a government on their own. None were able to continue without forming a coalition government. One of the two strongest players on the Macedonian political scene was forced to knock at the door of Albanian parties in search of a coalition partner. The SDSM decided to make a coalition with various Albanian part...

Boşnaklardan kritik Lahey hamlesi

Bosna-Hersek ’in geçen hafta Sırbistan'a karşı yeniden soykırım davası açma konusunda aldığı karar, bu iki komşu ülkeyi  diplomatik kriz in eşiğine getirdi. Uluslararası Adalet Divanı  2007’de  Sırbistan ’ı savaş suçlusu olmaktan çıkaran bir karar almıştı; gerekçe ise delil yetersizliğiydi. Bosna-Hersek Devlet Başkanlığı Konseyi’nin Boşnak üyesi Bakir İzetbegoviç ise bu kararının yeniden gözden geçirilmesi için başvuru yapacaklarını açıklamıştı. Lahey’in 2007’de verdiği kararın gözden geçirilmesi için gereken 10 yıllık süre Şubat ayında doluyor. İzetbegoviç’in bu hamlesinin Belgrad’dan çok Bosna-Hersek'teki özerk Sırp Cumhuriyeti'nin fiilî başkenti olan Banya Luka’yı ilgilendirdiği ve dolayısıyla Sırp Cumhuriyeti’nin son dönemde attığı ayrıştırıcı adımlara karşı bir cevap olduğu yorumları yapılıyor. Başta Cumhurbaşkanı İzetbegoviç olmak üzere Boşnak siyasetçilerin yeniden başvuru hakkını kullanmak istemesinin altında, bölgesel dengeler ve Balkanlarda ciddi roll...
Balkanlar’da Türkiye ve Almanya