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Showing posts from January, 2015

Šta se valja iza pariških brda?

Piše: Jahja Muhasilović Zadnjih nekoliko dana smo svjedoci mo žda najvećih terorističkih napada ne samo u historiji Francuske već vjerovatno u novijoj historiji Evrope. Napad na nedužne civile se ne može opravdati nikakvom vjerom niti ideologijom! Ko god vrši napade na civile je za svaku osudu i treba da snosi adekvatnu kaznu! Međutim jedna stvar je veoma čudna kada su nedavna dva napada u Francuskoj u pitanju. Jedna od najindikativnijih stvari što se tiče dva teroristička akta u Francuskoj jeste činjenica što su ova dva napada izvedena neposredno nakon što u Njemačkoj, velikim dijelom etnički Nijemci protestuju protiv rasta radikalno desnog pokreta PEGIDA, te staju rame uz rame sa muslimanima u njihovoj borbi protiv islamofobije. Događaji u Francuskoj se dešavaju baš u mometnu kada su Nijemci gromoglasno rekli veliko “ne” fašizmu, koji je u strahovitom porastu au evropskim zemljama. Hajdemo kratko analizirati ono što se proteklih dana desilo u Francuskoj. Nakon što je iz...

General Elections, 2014 in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Jahja Muhasilović

One of the positive outcomes of the elections is that the SNSD has faced a big loss and that the people in Republika Srpska have favoured economic success over the nationalistic empty rhetoric that Dodik has been using to hide the gloom reality that his entity as well as the entire country is now facing. During the 2014 General elections the Bosnians had to choose among three presidential candidates from different ethnic backgrounds and elect members for the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Parliament of Federation, the Assemblies of the Cantons, the Presidency of Republika Srpska and the National Assembly of Republika Srpska. Elections did not bring any serious changes, except for the fact that some parties that had formed the government in the past, like SDP (Social Democratic Party), were no longer a strong factor in Bosnian politics. Immediately after the preliminary results of the elections were published, the world media reacted with the words:...